Friday, October 23, 2009

Merchandise Claim Notification Scam

WE have received several emails like the following:

I have just received a merchandise claim notification from IAC Awards Center Director, Las Vegas, NV for a vehicle entitlement requiring a redempton fee of $47.97. I would like to know if this is a legitimate merchandise incentive offer, or a scam.

The Web Marketing Association is based in Connecticut and does not have anything to do with this or any "merchandise claim notification"

As for vehicle entitlement requiring a redemption fee of $47.97 - two things come to mind. First you get what you pay for and I don't know what vehicle you can expect for $47.97. Second, if it sounds to good to be true....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10 Great B-to-B Sites

BtoB Magazine recently ran a special report entitled 10 Great B-to-B Sites by Karen Bannan.

Each year, BtoB asks a panel of five Web site design and usability experts to identify 10 of the best b-to-b Web sites out there. For the third year, Bill Rice, president of the Web Marketing Association, was asked to participate and comments on website development standards based on his experience with the annual WebAward competition.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Free Full Conference Pass to ad:tech New York

This month the Web Marketing Association is providing a free full conference pass to their New York conference to one lucky person. This year the conference will be held at Jacob K. Javits Center November 4-6. This is a great conference and always packed with interesting speakers and outstanding networking opportunities.

To enter send your contact information (name, title, company, address) to We will pick a winner on the 15th and notify them by email.